Hydroclimatology Group | Geography | MSU  

Current Condition

Current Activities from SPC

Current Radar Map from Intellicast

Current Radar from AOS Wisconsin Madison

Radar loop from NOAA

GOES Visible or Infrared over Midwest

Weather Maps from NCAR RAL

250mb map from NCAR

500mb map from NCAR

850mb map from NCAR

925mb map from NCAR

Prog from NCAR RAL

12hr Prog

24hr Prog

36hr Prog

48hr Prog

Weather Maps from WPC

WPC forecast for day 1

WPC forecast for day 2

WPC forecast for day 3

WPC QPF for day 1

WPC QPF for day 2

WPC QPF for day 3

Weather Maps from SPC

Weather Map from WPC (20250312)

click here for surface weather map with stations.

500mb Height (20250312)

Daily Maximum and Minimum Temperature (20250312)

24-hr Precipitation (20250312)

National Hurricane Center

Atlantic Outlook

Storm Prediction Center

NWS Watch, Warning, Advsory

Convective Outlook Day 1

Convective Outlook Day 2

Storm Report